
Showing posts from October, 2018

Montage and Monolougue - part 3

Editing the sound and visual The week before the hand in was spent editing in the sound affects from the previous weeks, as well as editing the footage some more. Some of the footage was reversed and slowed down and the sound affects were added to emphasise some of the footage. We had a lot of issues with editing due to technical errors. We had started the editing on windows and proceeded to try and edit on a mac but for some reason we couldnt figure out why it wouldnt work. After about 30 minutes we switched over to a windows pc and it started working again. The final edit I am very proud of my contributions to this project. I have taken on a lot of the editing for this project and I am proud of the shots that I have put in. Such as the shot at 00:10, and the small composition starting at 00:54 - 00:60 If I could go back and improve the work I would probably have more imput to the filming location and day because we had a lack of wind on our filming day and som

Montage and Monologue - part 2

The week starting 22/10/18 was when we organised the filming of our monologues. We had looked at the weather and decided that we wanted to film out in the park because it was windy and we could get some great shots of the trees and nature. We complied a shot list before heading out to film. The issues we faced while filming was how the weather kept changing. It was sunny so we were experiencing glare on the camera but we also had an issue with the wind dropping. We spent the whole break out session filming as we wanted to make the most of our time so we could edit during the week. The footage was uploaded on to a hard drive and pulled in to premire pro so we could compile a rush edit.

Montage and Monologues- Part 1

Our filming challage this week is to film for a monologue. To do this we will create a 3 minute montage. So what is a montage? A montage is a singal pictoral composition made by juxtaposing or overlaying many pictures or designs. It can also be described as a relatively rapid succession of different shots within a movie. The key element to a montage is the juxtaposition of the shots to emphasise playing with time and narrative within a film. Montages are used within Hollywood films to help condense space, time, information and the narrative. Agood example of a montage within big blockbuster films is the opening sequence to Edgar Wrights Hot Fuzz. The montage above follows most of the rules of the soviet montage theory developed by Sergei Eisenstein . The theory states 5 different methords of montage. Metric- cutting to the beat.  Rhythmic - similar to cutting to the beat, but also matching with the action contained inside the frame Tonal - cutting that matches the tone

Craft Skills - Filming An Interaction - Part Two

This Monday was spent recording the foley for the interaction we filmed the previous week. The edit was ready to go and we had exported it so that we could match up the sound that we needed. I made the decision to go up to the filming location as it would mean the sound would match the footage better, and would allow for more contingency. I put myself incharge of recording the foley as I am experianced with using audio recorders. The issues we came across was the talking going on in the background and the occasional heavy footsteps. This was overcome by attaching a shotgun to the zoom as it allowed for more isolated sound. The audio was then expoted and sorted on premire pro before we dragged it into the video. It was then exported and uploaded to vimeo. When the films were shown back in the lecture after, the film got metioned for having crisp and high quality audio.

Craft Skills - Filming an interaction - Part One

Today we were given the challenge of filming an interaction. We were given a brief that told us we could not include any dialogue and that we had to use a variety of shots. The first thing to do was to separate into groups and briefly plan what we wanted to film. My group decided to head up to the top floor of the Mellor as there was plenty of space to film and it also meant we wouldn't disturb people. The interaction was going to be a simple study session where one person would enter the space and disturb the other person. I chose to use a pan shot to enter to practice the shot type as well as to add in a bit of variation. From here we filmed the whole interaction at a wide shot, then a mid, close up and the an attempted pov shot. This was so that we could easily switch up the film in editing and decide shots as we go. We had a breif idea of what we wanted however filming everything in a variety of shots ment we could experiment more within editing to get the best outcome. The cha