Craft Skills - Filming an interaction - Part One

Today we were given the challenge of filming an interaction. We were given a brief that told us we could not include any dialogue and that we had to use a variety of shots. The first thing to do was to separate into groups and briefly plan what we wanted to film. My group decided to head up to the top floor of the Mellor as there was plenty of space to film and it also meant we wouldn't disturb people. The interaction was going to be a simple study session where one person would enter the space and disturb the other person. I chose to use a pan shot to enter to practice the shot type as well as to add in a bit of variation. From here we filmed the whole interaction at a wide shot, then a mid, close up and the an attempted pov shot. This was so that we could easily switch up the film in editing and decide shots as we go. We had a breif idea of what we wanted however filming everything in a variety of shots ment we could experiment more within editing to get the best outcome. The challenges we faced was positioning the camera for each new shot, as well as making sure each reenactment was as accurate as it could be so we could keep continuity.
During the filming process I made notes on what foley we needed to record for next week where we would edit all the sound in and then show it back to the rest of the group.
Foley list:

  • walking in (towards camera)
  • walking to seat (away from camera)
  • book slam
  • tapping of fingers in table
  • dragging table
  • picking up pen/fiddling with pen
  • bag drag
  • scribbling on paper
  • writing
  • paper tearing out of book
  • scrunching up paper
  • paper being tosses (including the landing thud)
This is to all be recorded with the Zoom H6 audio recorder.


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