Shooting in LOG

What is LOG?
A log profile is a shooting profile, or gamma curve, found on film cameras that gives a wide dynamic and tonal range. For the C100 it is known as C-LOG.
Why shoot in C-LOG?
We shoot in LOG because it allows for a higher range of style choices in post. Using LOG allows you to capture a higer dynamic range which protects your shadows and highlights, by compressing the waveform. Because of this the image appears washed out, and will require color grading in post-production.
What LOG looks like.
Without colour grading
With colour grading
Why use LOG? 
LOG is a viable solution for low budget film makers as it installed on most film cameras. LOG gives the film a more professional feel, as you get a full dynamic range. You need to spend a llot of time colour grading the work but with LOG you have more control over how you want the film to turn out.


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