
Showing posts from April, 2019

Recreation: Conclusion

The recreation seen went well. We had many difficulties with choosing an appropriate scene amd then pulling it off with in a student house. With set design there are some shots that have either a fire alarm or a misplaced window. This couldnt be helped because we couldn't remove these features from the wall. We ended up having 3 days of filming because the scenes with Mark and Elena had timing issues and the lights were in shots. This was sorted with a third shoot day. Overall I thought the project was fun, but my opinion on recreating other peoples work still stands. I feel like it lacks creativity and can become dull and more time consuming than creating your own original work. With creating original work, you are much more likely to be passionate about it and dedicate more time to it.

Movie trailer: Rocketman (2019)

Rocketman is a new film set to release in theatres 31st of May. The film is a biography drama, mixed with fantasy. The film is a musical fantasy that follows Elton Johns life up to present day, and highlighting his breakthrough years. The trailer perfectly highlights Elton Johns flamouant nature and is bound to pull on heart strings. The movie is directed by Dexter Fletcher, who is known for Eddie the Eagle , which is another biography film. Elton John will be played by Taron Egerton, who is known for Eggsy from The Kingsman. 

Panic! At The Disco: The Devils Key Trilogy

The devils key trilorgy is a set of 3 music videos depicting how a former evil genius/physcopath, goes from robbing the devils key to becoming the devil himself. It is said that the idea has been planned since Too Wierd to Live, Too Rare to Die. If that is the case then this story has been in the works since 2013. The story consits of 3 videos all from varinging years. The first and second song are linked via the beging beats of This is Gospel overlapping into the end of Saturday Night. There is also similarities in costume. The connection between 2 and 3 is a bit more obvious, as the edn of This is Gospel   has main singer Brendon Urie running against the rope restraints and then hes drop into a mystious place. In  Emperors New Clothes we see this take place again as well as hearing an overlap of the previous song. The drop he faces was his drop to hell, where he turns into a devil. The first song is Say Amen (Saturday Night) - (21st March 2018)   The second in the queue is This

Recreation: Editing Day 2

The editing for day 2 was more sucessful than day 1. This was because for the second day of filming we booked out a swift monitor, for the C100 and we also attached the external mic horn on to the camera, so that we could record sound through the camera and the zoom which made it a lot easier to sync up the audio. The only thing that needs to happen with editing now is just piecing together the shots in order and making sure that it is the same length and similar to the original scene. The editing has been left to Ellie and Tim as they have taken the roles of editor.

Recreation: Filming Day 2

Todays filming was spent working on the second half of the scene, which was Mark and Dobbys interactions and Mark reacting to Jeremy. The issues we had was trying to figure out the layout of the room so that it matched up with the original scene. Photos:

Recreation: Editing Day 1

An issue that we had with editing was for the first shoot day we incorrectly clappered the shoots, so that it was hard to sync the audio files to the correct footage. We were able to match it up after a lot of time spent trying to sync it all up in premire. Because of the way we shot yesterday we only have the scene involving Jeremy and Elena, so we were unable to star editing the whole thing together. At the moment we have only been able to edit the interactions between the two characters up to the point of when Mark comes in. We have yet to film the last section yet, but we do have the clips of Jeremy for the last section so that we wouldnt have to worry about getting the actor in on a second day, the rest of the actors, who play Mark and Dobby are readily avalible whenever we need them, so their interactions can be filmed wednesday, and the editing should be complete by next week.